Our Surgery Supplement Recommendations For Use:
SurgiKit® was developed specifically for use before and after surgery. Every ingredient in the SurgiKit® formulas was carefully selected to comply with recommendations from the American Association of Anesthesiologists, among others. These advanced micronutrient complexes have been meticulously researched and clinically formulated in direct collaboration with top U.S. Doctors and Surgeons to provide the safest, most effective product possible for surgical preparation and recovery.
Surgikit® Original contains a 1-month supply each of SurgeryMD™ and RecoveryMD™ and is recommended for advanced support of all types of surgery including:
•Plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures
•Hernia repair
•Cardiac surgery
•Breast biopsy
•Carpal tunnel surgery
SurgiKit® Orthopaedic contains a 1-month supply each of SurgeryMD™ and RecoveryMD™ as well as a 2-month supply of OsteoplexMD™. It is recommended for advanced support of bone and joint surgeries including:
•Knee surgery: total knee replacement, ACL repair, knee scope surgery, others
•Hip surgery: total hip replacement, hip scope, hip fracture surgery, others
•Shoulder surgery:
rotator cuff repair, total shoulder replacement, shoulder fracture surgery, others
•Back and neck surgery: spinal fusion, disc replacement, others
•Foot and ankle surgery: Ankle fusion, total ankle replacement, others