
Top Doctors Labs relies on a philosophy and science developed by doctors and surgeons to ensure that “best of” nutrition supplement formulations are available to their patients. This dedication and demand for the best is the foundation of the Top Doctors Labs product line.

Many doctors and nutrition experts realize that there are specific levels of vitamins and minerals that are critical to support healing after surgery, after a stroke, heart attack or other major medical event. The scientific literature shows that the medically-preferred levels of these vitamins, minerals, and co-factors are often significantly different that the recommended daily allowances used by the typical or average multivitamin. Confusing for patients? Yes.

Many doctors also recognize that if they can simplify this confusion with an organized medically-designed single supplement or integrated organized supplement such as provided by SURGIKITS™, they will be helping all patients optimize nutrition, health, and healing after surgery and other major medical events.

Nutritional dietary vitamin and mineral supplements for health and healing, in step with your doctor and medical treatment – by top doctors for better health – this is Top Doctors Labs.