With a surgery supplement, go in stronger to minimize complications, speed your recovery and ensure your best outcome.
Surgery, even in its least invasive forms, takes a toll on your body and requires healing. Significantly increased nutritional and metabolic demands are imposed on your body as it fights to sustain and recover from the significant trauma of surgery. Why wouldn’t you take a surgery supplement to better prepare your body?
Research has clearly demonstrated that preoperative supplementation can dramatically improve patient outcomes. Based on this research, we developed SurgeryMD™, a pharmaceutical grade micronutrient complex supplement formulated specifically for surgical preparation. SurgeryMD™ contains ideal levels and forms of key micronutrients proven to support:
•Improved immune function
•Stronger healing of tissues
•Fewer complications
•Faster recovery time
You wouldn’t send a soldier to battle unarmed. Then why send your body into the operating room without arming your cells with the vital nutrients they need to withstand, overcome, and heal from the acute physiological stress of surgery? Give your body its best fighting chance with SurgeryMD™. Top doctors and surgeons contributed to the development of SurgeryMD™, using their years of experience seeing actual patient recoveries from surgery.
Indications For Use: SurgeryMD™ may be taken for optimized support of all types of surgery and medical procedures. Every ingredient in SurgeryMD™ was carefully selected to comply with recommendations from the “American Society of Anesthesiologists” to provide a safe, effective way to optimize nutrition before surgery.
Directions: Ideally, begin taking SurgeryMD™ 4 weeks before your scheduled procedure, but if you don’t have that much time, even a few days can make a huge difference in your outcome.
Dosage: Take one tablet, twice daily with meals. May be taken right up to the day before the procedure.