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Surgery Supplement Questions

Pre and Post Surgery Recovery Supplement FAQs
Pre and Post Surgery Recovery Supplement FAQs

Surgery Supplement Questions and Bone Supplement Questions

What is SurgiKit® and who should take it for nutritional support of surgery?

SurgiKit® provides integrated, synergistic micronutrient forms and combinations to support rapid wound healing, immune system function and to prevent infection. The formulations are based upon peer reviewed published medical evidence with every ingredient carefully selected to comply with recommendations from the American Association of Anesthesiologists, among others. These advanced micronutrient complexes have been meticulously researched and clinically formulated in direct collaboration with top U.S. Doctors and Surgeons to provide the safest, most effective product possible for surgical preparation and recovery.

Surgikit® Original contains a 1-month supply each of SurgeryMD (our pre-procedure surgical preparation formula) and RecoveryMD (our post-procedure recovery formula) and is recommended for patients undergoing a broad spectrum of extensive surgical procedures including:

Plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures

Hernia repair

Cardiac surgery

Breast biopsy


Carpal tunnel surgery

Plus many others

SurgiKit® Orthopaedic contains a 1-month supply each of SurgeryMD and RecoveryMD as well as a 2-month supply of OsteoplexMD (our bone health & healing formula).  It is recommended for patients undergoing a wide range of bone and joint surgeries including:

Knee surgery:  total knee replacement, ACL repair, knee scope, others

Hip surgery:  total hip replacement, hip scope, fracture surgery, others

Shoulder surgery:
 rotator cuff repair, total shoulder replacement, shoulder fracture surgery, others

Back and neck surgery:  spinal fusion, disc replacement, others

Foot and ankle surgery:  Ankle fusion, total ankle replacement, others

Who should take SurgiKit®?

It is always recommended that you discuss any medication or supplement you are taking with your doctor. SurgiKit® contains an advanced combination of vitamin K to support healing and reparative cell growth. It is well known that vitamin K can influence the function of some blood thinners, such as warfarin or Coumadin. Most experts recommend that patients on certain blood thinners such as warfarin or Coumadin should take a steady, daily oral source of vitamin K to meet FDA recommended daily intake levels, and to simultaneously optimize bone health and cell growth. These experts emphasize that in patients taking blood thinners like warfarin, the most important thing is a relatively “consistent and non-excessive daily source” of vitamin K (as is present in SurgiKit®). This consistent, non-excessive daily intake permits both: 1) Safer and more consistent management of blood thinners like warfarin, while 2) Optimizing the very important health and nutritional benefits of vitamin K. These can be complicated medical considerations and strategies that are always best discussed with your doctor.

How and when do I take each product included in the SurgiKit® regimens?

SurgeryMD™ Ideally, begin taking SurgeryMD 4 weeks before your scheduled procedure. If you don’t have that much time, even a few days can make a huge difference in your outcome. It is safe enough to take right up to the day before your procedure.

Recommended dosage:  Take one tablet, twice daily with meals.

RecoveryMD™ Start on RecoveryMD immediately after your procedure and take it for at least 4 weeks, finishing the entire kit supply. For enhanced results, we recommend continuing on a daily regimen of RecoveryMD for 6-12 weeks post-procedure as the healing process continues. For a longer, enhanced regimen, additional supply of RecoveryMD is available for purchase separately here.

Recommended dosage:  Take one tablet, twice daily with meals.

OsteoplexMD (SurgiKit Orthopaedic) For bone and joint procedures, begin taking OsteoplexMD along with SurgeryMD at least 4 weeks before your scheduled procedure. If you don’t have that much time, even a few days can make a huge difference in your outcome. It may be taken right up to the day before your procedure. After your procedure, take OsteoplexMD along with RecoveryMD for 4 weeks, or until you finish the entire bottle.

Recommended dosage:  Take one tablet, twice daily with meals.

For enhanced results, and optimal bone health continue on a daily regimen of OsteoplexMD for a lifetime. It’s powerful ingredients have been proven to not only support bone healing but to maintain bone density and prevent degenerative conditions like Osteopenia and Osteoporosis. Additional supply of OsteoplexMD is available for purchase separately here.

I have less than 4 weeks before my surgery to take the SurgeryMD. What should I do?

While it is recommended to begin taking SurgeryMD 4 weeks before surgery, we realize that you may not have that much advanced notice of your upcoming procedure. Even a few days of SurgeryMD will greatly enhance your body’s ability to sustain and heal from surgery. SurgiKit® contains a 4-week supply of SurgeryMDto be taken before surgery. If time does not permit you to finish the entire supply before your procedure, it won’t go to waste.  Instead of taking two RecoveryMD tablets per day after your procedure, you may take one SurgeryMD and one RecoveryMD™ during this time until the SurgeryMD runs out. Then go to the recommended two RecoveryMD tablets per day.

My doctor advised me to stop taking any nutritional supplements before surgery because of the potential for bleeding complications. Are SurgiKit® formulas safe to take during this time?

Yes. The SurgiKit® advanced micronutrient complexes have been meticulously researched and clinically formulated specifically for use before and after surgery. Each ingredient was carefully selected to comply with recommendations from the American Society of Anesthesiologists to be safe and effective in the peri-operative window.

The main culprit associated with negative bleeding effects is vitamin E. Research and clinical experience show that high levels of vitamin E can increase risk of complication / bleeding in surgery. SurgiKit® contains targeted low levels of vitamin E in doses selected to help meet physiologic needs while safely minimizing any potential peri-operative risk.

Should I continue to take my regular vitamins or supplements while on the SurgiKit® regimen?

No. Your regular multi-vitamin and mineral supplement has not been designed to support your body’s needs during and after surgery and will not have sufficient amounts or forms of the micronutrients that best help repair and build new tissue, eliminate the free-radicals that are generated by surgery and injury, and boost the immune system which is typically comprised following surgery.

Plus, most regular multi-vitamin and mineral supplements are formulated with vitamin E. While vitamin E is recognized as an excellent antioxidant and confers a number of health benefits, it is not recommended by most surgeons during the peri-operative period because it can promote bleeding and bleeding complications – only very small amounts of vitamin E will do.

What are the main benefits of using SurgiKit® to prepare for and heal from surgery?

SurgiKit® contains optimized doses and forms of vitamins and minerals that have been integrated applying 30 years of peer-reviewed clinical research to support rapid recovery, decreased complications, and best possible healing after surgery. Like all Top Doctors Labs products, it is produced to meet or exceed FDA cGMP manufacturing standards, to ensure your best results.

What is the difference between SurgeryMD and RecoveryMD?

SurgeryMD and RecoveryMD are entirely different, though they were formulated to puzzle piece together as an optimized surgical recovery strategy. Both are powerful vitamin, mineral and co-factor formulations. Both are scientifically designed to use natural components to optimize healing and recovery. However, each is very different and each is strategically targeted to different phases of  the recovery and healing process.

SurgeryMD is specifically formulated for use prior to surgery. It has intensive doses of essential micronutrient vitamins, minerals, and co-factors that have been selected and combined to optimize preparation for healing. SurgeryMD is a molecular biologic solution to “priming the pump” so the body is ready to heal.

It is also critically formulated with components that are known to be safe for use in the period leading up to surgery; SurgeryMD uses a formulation strategy that strictly follows the recommendations of the American Society of Anesthesiology, eliminating herbal and naturopathic components that might adversely interfere with anesthesia, bleeding, or other issues in the O.R.  SurgeryMD is pharmaceutically pure, eliminating potential for even trace amounts of such substances.

So…Not only will SurgeryMD help a body rapidly prepare for the demands of healing by priming the bodies cellular machinery for the demands ahead, but it is formulated to safely taken right up to the day before surgery.

RecoveryMD immediately picks up where SurgeryMD leaves off.

If SurgeryMD is the high-intensity boost or sprint leading up to surgery at the start, then RecoveryMD is the strong, steady finish as an elegant vitamin, mineral and co-factor solution to long term tissue healing and regeneration.  RecoveryMD contains components selected and combined to prime a consistent recovery response, be it over 8 weeks as after surgery, or be it on a long-term daily basis as in the case of the intensive training athlete.  It contains vitamin, mineral and co-factor components that optimize a consistent, rapid cellular recovery after surgery or after intensive training.

Unlike SurgeryMD, RecoveryMD is formulated to be used on a long-term basis, and will provide for ongoing gains.

Some of the doses of vitamins, minerals and co-factors in SurgiKit® seem high or very different from my regular vitamin supplements. Why is this and is it safe?

Many of the vitamins, minerals and co-factors in SurgiKit® are present in amounts far greater than the RDA levels (that have been chosen by the FDA to prevent deficiency disease). The increased levels of micronutrients in SurgiKit® provide the additional support that a body needs to heal quickly and to best potential from the stresses of surgery or injury. Even though these vitamin and mineral levels have been optimized to targeted levels for ideal recovery and tissue repair, all the doses are safe and in keeping with clinical recommendations as based upon 30 years of directed, published clinical research on healing and recovery.

I noticed that SurgiKit® does not contain Arnica, botanical flavonoids or other herbal compounds with known healing properties. Why not?

There is no question that many herbal medicines and compounds have remarkable potential to support healing, and we embrace this potential through many of our “after surgery” or daily products. However, herbal medicines are NOT recommended in the operating room or during the time immediately before and after surgery. These are potent compounds, and many have known potential to adversely affect anesthesia or prolong its effects. Some can interact and affect the other medicines that may be needed to safely perform surgery, to include anesthesia agents, antibiotics and other compounds. Many can cause increased risk of bleeding. Some have effects or medicine interactions that are not yet fully understood. Your doctor and his team want everything to go smoothly and predictably with your surgery and healing. The American Society of Anesthesiologists and others have recommended that herbal medicines or supplements be stopped at least 2 weeks prior to surgery (unless as otherwise recommended by your doctor). SurgiKit® contains safe and natural forms of micronutrients that are pharmaceutical-grade or better in purity. SurgiKit® tablets are then produced with practices that meet or exceed FDA cGMP and NSF cGMP manufacturing standards, for peri-operative safety and with best recovery in mind.

Why does SurgiKit® have such small amounts of vitamin E?

The multiple positive effects of vitamin E are well known, though most surgeons recommend that high levels of vitamin E be avoided altogether for at least two weeks prior to surgery. Research and clinical experience show that high levels of vitamin E can increase risk of complication / bleeding in surgery. SurgiKit® contains targeted low levels of vitamin E in doses selected to help meet physiologic needs while safely minimizing any potential peri-operative risk.

Why is my urine so bright yellow when I take the SurgiKit® formulas?

This is healthy and actually a great sign. It means your body is getting the high levels of B vitamins needed to support a best recovery. Most experts give credit to vitamin B2 (riboflavin) for this harmless (and sometimes entertaining) effect. Take it as a sign that your body is really getting the vitamins it needs to heal to its best and most rapid potential.

Are Top Doctors Labs products drugs?

No, they are advanced micronutrient dietary supplements.

Are Top Doctors Labs products approved by the FDA?

No, only drugs and pharmaceuticals are approved by the FDA. As advanced dietary supplements, SurgeryMD, RecoveryMD and OsteoplexMD are regulated by the FDA.

Who should take OsteoplexMD for bone health?

If you are concerned about bone health you should consider taking an advanced combination of micronutrient elements as integrated a single product solution like OsteoplexMD.

According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and other groups, risk factors for bone loss and osteoporosis include history of prior fractures, family history of osteoporosis, early menopause (younger than 45 years), dementia, poor nutrition, smoking, alcoholism, impaired eyesight, weight less than 120 pounds, history of falls, sedentary lifestyle, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder), eating disorders, gastrectomy, rheumatoid arthritis, celiac disease (gluten intolerance), stroke, lactose intolerance, and some medications. There is increasing information to indicate rising concern for the risk of osteoporosis (or “soft bone”) in men over 45 as well.

Who should NOT take OsteoplexMD?

It is always recommended that you discuss any medication or supplement you are taking with your doctor. OsteoplexMD contains an advanced combination of vitamin K to support bone nutrition and reparative cell growth. It is well known that vitamin K can influence the function of some blood thinners, such as warfarin or Coumadin. Most experts recommend that patients on certain blood thinners such as warfarin or Coumadin should take a steady, daily oral source of vitamin K to meet FDA recommended daily intake levels, and to simultaneously optimize bone health and cell growth. These experts emphasize that in patients taking blood thinners like warfarin, the most important thing is a relatively “consistent and non-excessive daily source” of vitamin K (as is present in OsteoplexMD). This consistent, non-excessive daily intake permits both: 1) Safer and more consistent management of blood thinners like warfarin, while 2) Optimizing the very important health and nutritional benefits of vitamin K. These can be complicated medical considerations and strategies that are always best discussed with your doctor.

Does OsteoplexMD replace my regular calcium supplement?

OsteoplexMD does replace a regular calcium supplement, and then provides much more. It contains a combination of best-quality integrated compounds so that it may be used as a single supplement solution for the advanced support for daily bone health. OsteoplexMD contains safe, natural and integrated nutrient forms of calcium, vitamin D, vitamin K1, vitamin K2 (as pharmaceutically-pure MK-4), and copper. These micronutrients are present in optimized forms and levels that well exceed that of regular calcium supplements.

OsteoplexMD seems more expensive than a regular calcium or bone support supplement…why is this?

OsteoplexMD takes a unique approach to best health, using only safe, natural, and pharmaceutically-pure ingredients to ensure your very best and most consistent benefit. Only the most effective forms of each of the nutrients are used. Finally, the thoroughly researched OsteoplexMD formula is made using manufacturing that meets or exceeds both FDA cGMP practices and NSF GMP manufacturing practices. For an individual to purchase independent supplements to match the ideal combination present together in OsteoplexMD would actually cost MORE.

We realize that not everyone will prefer a bone support supplement of this advanced nature and quality, but for those who insist on the very best without compromise, there is no substitute for OsteoplexMD for bone health.

What is MK-4 and how is it important for bone health?

Very few bone support products include vitamin K2 (as MK-4). It is expensive, and is not widely available, but its nutritional benefits in skeletal health and cellular repair have been studied and are increasingly appreciated. In clinical trials MK-4 has been shown to decrease risk of vertebral (spinal) fracture by 60%, hip fracture by 70%, and non-vertebral fractures by up to 81%. Even though it is a safe and natural compound, MK-4 has been used as a pharmaceutical in Japan and other countries from as early as 1995 given its recognized benefits in bone health; in the United States MK-4 is considered by the FDA as a dietary supplement.

What is the best dose of OsteoplexMD for me?

For most people seeking to maximize the potential benefits of OsteoplexMD, it is recommended to take two tablets, twice daily with food. This equates to 120 tablets as a one month supply with daily use.

Taking OsteoplexMD as two tablets twice a day has several advantages, including maintaining a consistent optimized blood level of MK-4. Studies have shown the health advantages to this more consistent schedule. This twice a day dose also optimizes the potential for the body to absorb calcium in a more efficient way than if just taken as a single larger dose once a day.

Lower doses of OsteoplexMD (such as one tablet, two times a day) may be appropriate for some people whose daily intake includes an abundance of whole food sources of calcium and vitamin K, or for those who take other dietary supplement sources that contain the same nutrients present in OsteoplexMD. We recommend you talk to your doctor for more information.

For patients taking OsteoplexMD as part of SURGIKIT® Orthopaedic, the recommended dose is one tablet, twice a day (with meals).

These are general recommendations, and it is always best to talk to your doctor if you have questions about what is best specifically for you.

Why doesn’t OsteoplexMD contain magnesium?

Magnesium is present in many OTC calcium supplements because it is inexpensive and can be used as filler. While magnesium does help with calcium absorption, it is very easy to get the recommended amounts through diet and the majority of people do not need additional supplementation.

When formulating OsteoplexMD, we chose to focus on the most powerful bone fortifying nutrients, which are also very difficult to get in a regular diet.  Specifically, vitamins D, K1, K2 and copper, which have all been shown through published medical studies to increase bone density and dramatically reduce the risk of fracture.

How long will it take to receive my order?

Orders are processed within 48 hours of receipt and shipped via USPS Priority Mail, which guarantees delivery within 3 days. Based on this, you should receive your order within 3-5 business days. You may check the status of your shipment via the tracking number provided in your order confirmation email.

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