General Tips to Help you After Surgery
- Once you are fully awake after your procedure, it is important to keep your lungs expanded. Take deep, even breaths and move around as often as your physician allows to help keep your lungs clear.
- Your post-operative nutritional program should consist of a healthy balanced diet and a targeted, integrative, supplement formula to speed healing and recovery of tissues such as can be found in Surgiplex MD ® or a SURGIKIT ®.
- Unless you have had a surgical procedure that prevents you from exercising your legs (ankles and calves) it is important to do ankle circles and calf-pumps while you are still in bead. This activity can increase blood flow in your legs and can reduce the chance of developing clots or a “deep vein thrombosis”.
- Follow the best possible nutrition practices, including a targeted pre-surgical and post-surgical vitamin and mineral regiment to support optimal healing and recovery of tissues. Your attention to your increased nutritional needs during the pre-surgical and post-surgical time frames will play a critical role in ensuring your best and most rapid return to active living.